Travel and cancellation insurance Aguila Rent a Villa



  1. For health reasons:
    1. Death, serious bodily accident or serious illness:
      • Of the INSURED or his/her spouse, common-law partner or person who as such permanently lives with the INSURED, his/her relatives of first or second degree of consanguinity (parents, children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren), as well as uncles, nephews, nieces, step-parents, step-children, step-siblings, non-blood brothers and sisters, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters-in-law, brothers and sisters-in-law, brothers and sisters-in-law, sons and daughters-in-law and daughters and daughters-in-law. In the case of first-degree descendants who are less than 24 months old, their illness need not be of a serious nature.
      • This coverage shall also be applicable when the hospitalised or deceased person is related to the spouse, common-law partner or person who as such permanently cohabits with the INSURED.
      • Of the person responsible during the trip for the custody of the INSURED's minor children or disabled relatives who are legally in their care.
      • Of the INSURED'S direct superior, in his/her work post, provided that this circumstance prevents the INSURED from undertaking the trip due to the requirements of the Company of which he/she is an employee.
        In relation to the INSURED, serious illness is understood to be a health alteration that implies hospitalisation or the need to stay in bed, within the 7 days prior to the trip, and which, medically, makes it impossible to start the trip on the planned date.
        Serious accident means bodily injury, unintentional on the part of the victim, resulting from the sudden action of an external cause and which, in the opinion of a medical professional, makes it impossible for the INSURED to start the trip on the scheduled date.
        When the illness or accident affects any of the aforementioned persons, other than the INSURED, it shall be understood as serious when it implies hospitalisation or entails a risk of imminent death.
    2. Medical quarantine following an accidental event.
    3. Call for surgical intervention of the INSURED, provided that he/she was already on the waiting list at the time of contracting both the trip and the insurance policy.
    4. Call for medical tests of the INSURED or first-degree relative, carried out by the Public Health Service as an emergency, provided that they are justified by the seriousness of the case.
    5. Summons for an organ transplant to the INSURED or first degree relative, provided that he/she was already on the waiting list at the time of contracting both the trip and the insurance policy.
    6. Need for bed rest of the INSURED, his/her spouse, common-law partner or person who as such permanently lives with the INSURED, due to medical prescription as a consequence of a risky pregnancy, provided that this state of risk has begun after the contracting of the insurance policy.
    7. Serious complications in the state of the pregnancy which, by medical prescription, oblige the INSURED, his/her spouse, common-law partner or person who as such permanently lives with the INSURED to rest or require the hospitalisation of the INSURED, provided that such complications have occurred after the contracting of the insurance policy and seriously jeopardise the continuity or necessary development of the said pregnancy.
    8. Premature birth of the INSURED.
  2. For legal reasons:
    1. Summons, as a party, witness or juror in a civil, criminal or labour court. Cases in which the Insured is summoned as a defendant in proceedings initiated prior to the contracting of the trip and the insurance policy shall be excluded. For the rest of the appearances the summons must be made after the travel and insurance policy contract has been taken out.
    2. Summons as a member of a polling station, for elections at state, regional or municipal level.
    3. Call for submission and signature of official documents.
    4. Placement of a child for adoption, coinciding with the planned dates of travel.
    5. Summons for divorce proceedings.
    6. Unexpected non-issuance of visas.
    7. Police custody for non-criminal offences.
    8. Imposition of a traffic sanction of more than €600, provided that both the offence committed and the knowledge of the sanction occurred after the booking was made.
    9. Withdrawal of the driving licence, provided that the vehicle is to be used as a means of locomotion for the journey and none of the INSURED's companions can replace him/her in the driving of the vehicle.
  3. For work reasons:
    1. Professional, non-disciplinary dismissal of the INSURED.
      Notwithstanding the above and provided that the INSURED has not cancelled the trip. Natural persons who are holders or co-holders of a loan to finance a trip, who are employed at the time of contracting the trip and the insurance policy, shall be insured by this coverage.
      They shall be entitled to unemployment cover when:
      1. the termination of his employment contract would have occurred after the contracting of the insurance policy and before the beginning of the trip due to any of the following circumstances:
        1. By virtue of a redundancy plan or collective dismissal.
        2. Due to the death or incapacity of their individual employer and this being the cause that determines the termination of the employment contract.
        3. Due to unfair dismissal.
        4. Due to dismissal or termination of the contract based on objective causes.
      2. Provided that at the moment of communicating the termination of the work, the payment of part of the quotas of this financing is still pending,
      3. Provided that the insured person decides to continue with his trip and finally has been carried out.

      The INSURER shall pay the cost of the regular instalments pending repayment, up to a maximum of 6 instalments, in order to prevent the INSURED from being forced to cancel the trip.
      The maximum amount to be paid by the INSURER shall be 50% of the cost of the cancellation expenses that would have been incurred if the trip had been cancelled at the time of the termination of the employment contract.
      This coverage may not be accumulated or complementary to the trip cancellation guarantee. In the event that the trip is cancelled for any of the other causes reflected in the conditions of the insurance policy and compensation has already been paid under this cover, the amount paid under this cover shall be deducted from the total amount of the cancellation expenses generated.

    2. Presentation of a redundancy procedure that directly affects the INSURED as an employee, with total or partial reduction in working hours. This circumstance must occur after the date of subscription of the insurance policy.
    3. Incorporation of the INSURED to a new job, in a company other than the one in which he/she last worked, provided that he/she has an employment contract and that the incorporation takes place after the subscription of the insurance policy. This cover shall also be valid when the incorporation is made from a situation of unemployment.
    4. Geographical transfer of the workplace provided that it involves a change of address of the Insured during the dates of the trip and the Insured is an employee.
    5. Taking official competitive examinations, either as a candidate or as a member of the examining board, which are announced and announced through a public body after the insurance policy has been taken out and which coincide with the dates of the trip.
    6. Extension of employment contract.
      When the claim is covered for any of the aforementioned employment reasons, in addition to the INSURED, his spouse, common-law partner or person who as such permanently lives with the INSURED shall also be covered by this guarantee; and his minor children also insured on the same trip provided that they reside in the same home as the INSURED.
  4. For extraordinary reasons:
    1. Act of air piracy that makes it impossible for the INSURED to start his/her trip on the scheduled dates.
    2. Declaration of a disaster area or epidemic at the place of residence of the INSURED or at the destination of the trip.
    3. Judicial declaration of suspension of payments or bankruptcy of the company in which the INSURED carries out his/her professional activity.
    4. Serious damage caused by fire, explosion, theft or force of nature, in his principal or secondary residence, or in his professional premises if the INSURED exercises a liberal profession or runs a business and his presence is imperatively necessary.
    5. Request for urgent and unavoidable incorporation into the Armed Forces, Police or Fire Brigade, provided that this is to take place after the insurance policy has been taken out and was not known at the time of booking.
  5. Other causes
    1. Request made by the Tax Agency to file a supplementary income tax return, the final effective result of which obliges the INSURED to pay an additional amount of more than 600 €.
    2. Cancellation of the person who is to accompany the INSURED on the trip, registered at the same time as the INSURED and insured by this same contract, provided that the cancellation is due to one of the causes listed above and, as a result, the INSURED has to travel alone.
    3. Theft of documentation or luggage that makes it impossible for the INSURED to start the trip.
    4. Serious damage caused by fire, explosion, theft or force of nature, in his principal or secondary residence, or in his professional premises if the INSURED exercises a liberal profession or runs a business and his presence is imperatively necessary.
    5. Cancellation of a wedding ceremony, provided that the insured trip was a honeymoon or honeymoon trip.
    6. Obtaining a trip and/or stay similar to the one contracted, free of charge, in a public draw before a notary.
    7. Granting of official scholarships that prevent the trip from taking place.

      In the event that due to any of the causes foreseen in this section of EXPENSES FOR CANCELLATION OF TRIP, the INSURED should make a transfer of the same in favour of another person, the additional expenses arising from the change of reservation holder shall be covered.

      The INSURED shall also be covered for any additional expenses incurred by the INSURED due to changes in the date of the booking, provided that these do not exceed the expenses incurred in the event of cancellation.

      Cancellations arising from the following are not covered:

      1. Cosmetic treatments, periodic check-ups, cures, contraindications for air travel, vaccinations, the impossibility of following the recommended preventive medical treatment in certain destinations, voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
      2. Psychic, mental illnesses and depressions without hospitalisation or which justify a hospitalisation of less than seven days.
      3. Illnesses that are being treated or under medical care within the 30 days prior to the date of booking the trip and the date of inclusion in the insurance, except as indicated in points 1.3 and 1.5 at the time of contracting the insurance policy, known by the INSURER and/or INSURED.
      4. Participation in bets, duels, crimes, fights, except in cases of legitimate self-defence.
      5. Terrorism.
      6. Failure to present essential documents for any trip, such as passports, visas, tickets, vaccination cards or vaccination certificates.
      7. Complications of pregnancy, except as indicated in points 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8.
      8. Losses caused by irradiation resulting from nuclear transmutation or disintegration or radioactivity, as well as those resulting from biological or chemical agents.
      9. Pandemics.


The INSURER shall reimburse the INSURED, up to the maximum amount of the booking cost, and in application of the exclusions mentioned in these General Conditions, the cost of the services contracted prior to the start of the trip and subject to documentary justification of the cost thereof, which could not have been used as a consequence of the early conclusion of the scheduled trip, which necessarily implies the INSURED's return to his/her habitual place of residence, for any of the following causes, arising during the course of the trip.

This cover shall also extend to a companion that the INSURED has during the trip, provided that he/she is also INSURED by this insurance policy, in the event that he/she decides to end his/her trip early in order to accompany the INSURED on his/her return to his/her habitual place of residence. In the event of a family travelling, the early return of all the members of the family shall be contemplated, up to a maximum of five people.

They are not covered by this warranty:

  1. Early returns which have not been notified to the INSURER and which have not been carried out by or with the agreement of the INSURER, except in the event of force majeure or proven material impossibility.
  2. Losses caused by the malice of the INSURED, of the INSURANCE HOLDER, of the BENEFICIARIES or persons travelling with him/her, as well as any benefit or medical assistance requested by the INSURED, when it is accredited that he/she made the trip with the purpose of being treated for his/her ailments at the place of destination, at the expense of the insurance policy and the INSURER.
  3. Any reimbursement requested in cases where the INSURED's return occurred on or after the scheduled date of completion of the trip.
  4. Illness or injury resulting from chronic or pre-travel illness (except for exacerbation or decompensation of a chronic illness during the trip) and AIDS in any stage.
  5. Illnesses being treated or under medical care within 30 days prior to both the date of booking the trip and the date of inclusion in the insurance.
  6. Psychiatric, mental illnesses and depressions without hospitalisation or justifying hospitalisation for less than seven days.
  7. Illness or injury sustained in the course of a manual occupation.
  8. Suicide or illness and injury resulting from the attempt or intentionally caused by the INSURED to himself/herself.
  9. Treatment or diseases or pathological states caused by ingestion or administration of intoxicants (drugs), alcohol, narcotics or by the use of medicines without medical prescription.
  10. Childbirths.
  11. Pregnancies, except for unforeseeable complications in the first 24 weeks of gestation.
  12. Participation in gambling, duels, crimes, quarrels, except in cases of self-defence.
  13. Terrorism.
  14. Cosmetic treatments, periodic check-ups, cures, contraindications for air travel, vaccinations, the impossibility of following the recommended preventive medical treatment in certain destinations, the voluntary interruption of pregnancies.
  15. Failure to present, for any reason whatsoever, essential travel documents such as passports, visas, tickets, vaccination cards or vaccination certificates.
  16. Losses caused by irradiation resulting from nuclear transmutation or disintegration or radioactivity, as well as those arising from biological or chemical agents.
  17. Pandemics.

24-hour permanent service for assistance to persons that the INSURER makes available to the INSURED.


In the event of accident or illness suffered by the INSURED, the INSURER shall pay for transport to a hospital with the necessary facilities or to his/her home.


In the event of the death of the INSURED, the INSURER shall be responsible for the formalities and expenses of fitting out and transporting the mortal remains, in a zinc coffin, or in an ash casket in the event that prior cremation of the deceased has been requested, from the place of death to the place of burial in Spain.

Likewise, the INSURER shall be responsible for the transport of the remaining insured persons who accompanied him to their respective homes in Spain, in the event that the death should make it materially impossible for them to return by the means initially foreseen. Excluded from this guarantee is the payment of the usual coffin and the burial and ceremony expenses.


In the event of hospitalisation of the Insured, and this is for more than 3 days, the Insurer shall pay the hotel accommodation expenses of the displaced family member or, in their place, the accommodation expenses of the person travelling in the company of the Insured, also insured under this insurance policy, to accompany the hospitalised INSURED, on presentation of the appropriate supporting documents, up to a maximum of €60/day, up to a limit of €600.


When one or more of the INSURED have been repatriated or transferred due to illness or accident, and this circumstance prevents the rest of the INSURED from returning home by the means initially foreseen, the INSURER shall pay for the transport for the return of the INSURED to the place of their habitual residence or to the place where the transferred or repatriated INSURED is hospitalised.


If the repatriated INSURED is under 15 years of age or disabled, the INSURER shall organise and pay for the return trip of a person to accompany him/her to his/her home.


The INSURER shall provide the INSURED with a transport ticket for the return to his/her home in the event that he/she has to interrupt the trip due to serious damage to his/her main residence or professional office caused by fire, provided that this has led to the intervention of the fire brigade, theft consummated and reported to the police authorities, or serious flooding, which makes his/her presence essential, provided that these situations cannot be solved by direct relatives or persons of his/her trust, provided that the event has occurred after the date of commencement of the trip. Likewise, the INSURER shall pay for a second ticket for the transport of the person who accompanied the INSURED on his/her trip and who anticipated his/her return, provided that this second person is in turn insured by this insurance policy.


When the INSURED had to be transported or repatriated due to illness, accident or death, or in the event of inability to drive his vehicle and none of the passengers accompanying him can replace him, the INSURER, with the prior written authorisation of the owner of the vehicle, shall send a professional driver to transport the vehicle and its occupants to their home in Spain. The INSURER shall only be responsible for the expenses incurred by the driver himself, with the exception of all other expenses, such as tolls, maintenance and fuel costs of the vehicle, as well as those of the passengers.
The INSURER, being subject to the legislation on the use and circulation of motor vehicles in the countries of transit, may not provide this service if the vehicle does not comply with the legal requirements foreseen in each case, or if the vehicle has anomalies or if they make its use inadvisable.


The INSURER shall organise and bear the cost of sending the objects forgotten by the INSURED in the hotel or flat where he/she has been staying, up to a limit of 120 €, provided that the cost of said object exceeds this amount.


The INSURER shall be responsible for transmitting the urgent messages requested by the INSURED, arising from the events covered by the present guarantees.

They are not covered by this warranty:

  1. The guarantees and benefits which have not been requested from the INSURER and which have not been carried out by or with the agreement of the INSURER, except in the event of force majeure or proven material impossibility.
  2. Losses caused by malice on the part of the INSURED, the POLICYHOLDER, the BENEFICIARIES or persons travelling with the INSURED.
  3. Losses occurring in the event of war, pandemics -except that caused by COVID-19--, demonstrations and popular movements, acts of terrorism and sabotage, strikes, arrests by any authority for offences not arising from traffic accidents, restrictions on free movement or any other case of force majeure, unless the INSURED proves that the loss is unrelated to such events.
  4. Accidents arising from the practice of sports competitions, official or private, training, tests and bets, as well as the practice as an amateur of high-risk sports, such as mountaineering, climbing, caving, skiing, surfing, motocross, speed or endurance races, ascents or aeronautical trips, gliding, hang gliding, polo, wrestling or boxing, rugby, underwater fishing, parachuting or others of a similar degree of risk.
  5. Losses caused by irradiation resulting from nuclear transmutation or disintegration or radioactivity, as well as those arising from biological or chemical agents.
  6. Mountain, sea or desert rescue.
  7. Illness or injury resulting from chronic or pre-travel illnesses and their complications or relapses.
  8. Illnesses and accidents occurring in the course of a manual occupation.
  9. Suicide or illness and injury resulting from the attempt or intentionally caused by the INSURED to himself/herself.
  10. Treatment or diseases or pathological states caused by ingestion or administration of intoxicants (drugs), alcohol, narcotics or by the use of medicines without medical prescription.
  11. Expenses incurred for any type of prosthesis.
  12. Childbirths.
  13. Pregnancies, except for unforeseeable complications in the first 24 weeks of gestation.
  14. Periodic medical check-ups, preventive or paediatric.
  15. Any type of medical or pharmaceutical expense incurred as a result of malice on the part of the INSURED, or due to neglect of treatment that makes the deterioration of health foreseeable.
  16. Endodontic, periodontal, orthodontic dentistry, fillings, dental prostheses, apicoectomies, implantology and the diagnostic means necessary to carry out these treatments.
  17. Transfer and/or repatriation by air ambulance, except in Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean.


The INSURER guarantees, up to the sum of €600.00, and subject to the exclusions indicated in these General Conditions, the payment of compensation for material losses suffered by luggage, during trips and stays outside the INSURED'S habitual residence, as a result of:

  • Theft (for these purposes, theft is understood to mean only theft committed by means of violence or intimidation to persons or force in things).
  • Breakdowns or damage caused directly by fire or theft.
  • Breakdowns and definitive loss, total or partial, caused by the carrier.

Valuables are covered up to 50% of the sum insured for all luggage. Valuables are understood to be jewellery, watches, objects of noble metals, furs, paintings, objects of art, silver and precious metalwork, unique objects, mobile telephones and their accessories, cameras and accessories for photography and video, radio, recording or reproduction of sound or image, as well as their accessories, computer equipment of all kinds, remote-controlled models and accessories, rifles, hunting shotguns, as well as their optical accessories and medical apparatus.

Jewellery and furs are only insured against theft and only when they are deposited in a hotel safe or carried by the INSURED. Luggage left in motor vehicles is considered insured only if it is in the luggage compartment and the luggage compartment remains locked. From 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the vehicle must remain inside a closed and guarded car park; vehicles entrusted to a carrier are exempted from this limitation. Valuables left in the boot of a vehicle are only covered when the vehicle is in a garage or guarded car park.

The application of the proportional rule in the event of a claim under this guarantee is expressly repealed, being settled at first risk.

They are not covered by this warranty:

  1. Goods and equipment for professional use, currency, bank notes, travel tickets, stamp collections, securities of any kind, identity documents and, in general, all paper documents and securities, credit cards, memory tapes and/or discs, documents recorded on magnetic strips or filmed, collections and equipment of a professional nature, prostheses, spectacles and contact lenses. For these purposes, personal computers are not considered as professional equipment.
  2. Theft, except inside hotel or flat rooms, when these are locked. (For these purposes theft is understood to be theft committed carelessly, without violence or intimidation to persons or force in things).
  3. Damage due to normal or natural wear and tear, inherent defects and inadequate or insufficient packaging. Damage caused by the slow action of the weather.
  4. Losses resulting from the fact that an object, not entrusted to a carrier, has simply been lost or forgotten.
  5. Theft arising from the practice of camping or caravanning in free camping sites, with the total exclusion of valuables in any form of camping.
  6. Damage, loss or theft resulting from personal effects and objects left unattended in a public place or in premises made available to several occupants.
  7. Breakage, unless caused by an accident to the means of transport, by simple theft or burglary, by armed assault, by fire or by fire extinguishing.
  8. Damage caused directly or indirectly by acts of war, civil or military disorder, riots, strikes, earthquakes, pandemics and radioactivity.
  9. Damage caused intentionally by the INSURED, or gross negligence on the part of the INSURED, and damage caused by spillage of liquids inside the luggage.
  10. All motor vehicles and their accessories and attachments.

13. PRIVATE CIVIL LIABILITY during the trip:

The INSURER shall be liable, up to the sum of 6,000 Euros per reservation, for the pecuniary compensation which, in accordance with articles 1,902 to 1,910 of the Civil Code, or similar provisions provided for in foreign legislation, the INSURED, as a private person, would be obliged to pay as civilly liable for bodily injury or material damage caused involuntarily to third parties in their persons, animals or things.

The POLICYHOLDER of the insurance policy, the rest of the Insured parties under this insurance policy, their spouses, common-law partners or any other family member living with either of them, as well as their partners, employees and any other person who de facto or de jure depend on the POLICYHOLDER or the INSURED, while they act within the scope of said dependence, are not considered as third parties.
This limit includes the payment of legal costs and expenses, as well as the constitution of the judicial bonds required of the INSURED.

They are not covered by this warranty:

  1. Any type of Liability corresponding to the INSURED for the driving of motor vehicles, aircraft and boats, as well as for the use of firearms.
  2. Civil liability arising from any professional, trade union, political or associative activity.
  3. Fines or penalties imposed by courts or authorities of any kind.
  4. Liability derived from the practice of sports as professionals and the following modalities, even as an amateur: mountaineering, boxing, bobsleigh, speleology, judo, parachuting, hang-gliding, gliding, gliding, polo, rugby, shooting, yachting, martial arts and those practised with motor vehicles.
  5. Damage to objects entrusted, by whatever title, to the INSURED.


ERGO will reimburse you for the costs of communications with our assistance centre.

ERGO Travel insurance, Avda. Isla Graciosa 1. 28703. San Sebastián de los Reyes. Madrid
Office hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30h to 18:30h and Friday from 8:30h to 15:00h, NIF: W0040918E

Aguila Rent a Villa