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Price guarantee on holiday homes in Javea, Denia and Moraira

Best price guarantee
for holiday homes

On this website you always pay the lowest price

We want you to pay the lowest price for your holiday home. If, after booking with us, you find the same accommodation under the same conditions on another website on the internet at a lower price, we will adjust our price accordingly. Please contact us within 24 hours after booking with the relevant details on the website.

Important to know!

  • The prices are variable and depend on the period in which you would like to book.
  • There are various last-minute discounts. When applicable, the discounts are listed in the price tables of each accommodation and processed automatically while booking.
  • You can easily calculate the rental price of your holiday home by indicating your arrival and departure date on the availability calendar, after which you can see the total price overview with all details.
  • Unlike many other rental companies, with us you can arrive and depart on any day of the week. Only during high season mandatory arrival and departure days are applicable.
  • During low season you can enjoy special discounts: (3 = 2) book 3 weeks, pay only for 2 weeks. (14 = 11) book 14 days, pay only 11 days.

Price guarantee terms and conditions

  1. As prices of holiday accommodations on the internet can change often, you must contact us promptly by email, but in any event within 24 hours of booking your holiday accommodation. Your email should include all following information: your name, reservation number and the website where the lower price rate is published. Incomplete or inaccurate emails will not be taken into account.
  2. The guarantee is not applicable for same day bookings.
  3. The guarantee only applies in respect of a lower rate that is available for online booking. The lower online rate must be bookable when we validate your claim, within the 24 hour period, screen shots will not be accepted as proof.
  4. The lower rate must be found online for the same accommodation(s) only, on the same check-in and check-out dates with the same booking conditions. The lower rate must be in the same currency.
  5. We will only match the difference between our rate and the lower rate if your reservation through us is completed and not cancelled.
  6. If the claim is unsuccessful as it is not in accordance with our lowest rate guarantee terms and conditions, our terms and conditions of booking, including the cancellation policy are still applicable.

Aguila Rent a Villa